01. Mary is a girl.

02. Charles is a boy.

03. He has a male dog.

04. An apple is a fruit.

05. I am only buying a female cat.

06. I often go to the town.

07. I often go to the dentist's.

08. The butcher sells meat.

09. Alan is at the doctor's.

10. I don't buy it at the doctor's.

11. Your husband is called Jack.

12. My wife is going to the shops.

13. Today Lesley is going to the shops.

14. She is buying meat for the family.

15. The mare is not in the country.

16. He is selling the stallion in the town.

17. Paul likes meat, but Roger prefers fish.

18. I do not buy my fish at the greengrocer's.

19. The church is in the town in front of the station.

20. I am buying a white female mouse and a brown male mouse for you.